Employee of the Year comics blog.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Home Movies

Well hello again everynobody, I'm D. Stodart again... clearly. I don't really have any updates today but I'm just gonna say tomarrow another page of Employee of the Year will be up on the site and boy what a page that will be. Not to mention my favorite show, Home Movies, is back on TV. If you're not familiar with it watch it on Adult Swim monday mornings at either 1:30am or 5:30am. It started out as a cartoon made with squigglevision for season 1 but later changed to Macromedia Flash for seasons 2-4, It's about a kid named Brendon Small who makes little short films with a video camera and makes rediculous storylines for the movies and has weird friends, and a most of the time drunk soccer coach. But I definitely recommend checking out Home Movies. You can find more information here: [Adult Swim] Home Movies' Site.
And Here's a picture just for the fun of it:

Yeah that's pretty much all I got...
D. Stodart
My Employee of the Year site, and please join the Forums.

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